October 13, 2014

Fall: Food, Flowers, Farmers Market?

Fall is officially here. At least according to the calendar. In fact, it's been lingering....waiting....not quite sure if it's ready to make it's decent onto our evergreens. For we all know, around here, that once fall sets in it's all over. The rains start and we don't get a break until June, if we're lucky, July if we're not. Fall has been teasing us with blue skies, warm afternoons, and a splash of color here and there. But the leaves are floating, sporadically and in slow motion from the treetops, falling to rest on our recently greening grass. Where we come from on the east coast brown grass=winter. In the pacific northwest brown grass=summer. It is the same rain that drenches us from October to June that makes this the beautiful, lush landscape that is the hallmark of our geography. October can be an unexpected month with pumpkins on the doorstep and flowers in the backyard. A late tomato harvest means a no-cook pasta sauce on a chilly evening.  And even this time of year, I am still thankful for central A/C which is a true luxury for most people living in these parts. You just never know what October will bring.

So far, October has brought us lots of things.

Beautiful fall blooms from Half Moon Farm just down the street....

The last of our own dahlias in the backyard...look at all those flowers!

Finally!! A trip to the PSU Farmers Market. It only took 10 months.

JSM recently returned home from a business trip where he spent a week away eating bad food, playing lots of golf, sweltering in the California sun and the list goes on. I, on the other hand, spent the week going to work, eating real food including breakfast, doing Barre 3 (in my bedroom - even better!) and reading 100 Days of Real Food alongside a stack of glossy magazines - bliss!  By the end of the week, I was desperately missing Jeff and plotting to take back our meals which I had sorely neglected as of late. Turns out JSM had the same idea. He came home swearing off all processed food and sugar with renewed commitment to the gym the second he stepped on Oregon soil. The best part of this plan? A trip to the PSU Farmer's Market on Portland's Park Blocks! I've been dreaming of this farmers market since I stopped working weekends this past January, but no matter, it's October and we finally made it!

This is my favorite farmers market. Of course, in the greater Portland metro area there are lots of markets to choose from,  but none are as large or vibrant as this one (in my opinion). It is situated on the park blocks near the Portland Art Museum, the Oregon History Museum, some beautiful churches and of course, Portland State University. Vendors of all things NW (think vegetables, fruit, flowers, honey, prepared vegan desserts, local sausages, and handmade jewelry) display their goods and of course the people-watching is the best! I LOVE Portland. 

The PSU Farmers Market held every Saturday under a canopy of trees...

Late season blooms - vibrant and beautiful!

Apples and more apples!

Nothing says autumn like lots of squash.

The most amazing vegan peanut butter chocolate chip cookie sandwich. If this is vegan, sign me up please! 

So far, this new lifestyle agrees with us. On our menu: Quinoa Red Bean Chili, Thai Chicken Wraps with Peanut Coconut Sauce, and the ridiculously good Slow Cooker Flank Steak Fajitas. We also can't get enough of this Peanut Butter Granola (I add 1 T. vegetable oil and a handful of chopped peanuts) on our whole milk yogurt. JSM has lost some weight, I'm addicted to Barre 3, we've taken back the kitchen and started meal planning, we are cooking together and enjoying our meals on the china we received as a wedding gift almost eight years ago. We haven't quite made it to eating at the actual kitchen table, but with fall soon in full swing and a fire in the fireplace, who needs the formality of the table? Food is fun again and eating at home just got way more inviting!


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