June 1, 2014

Open for Summer!

Memorial Day is SO last weekend, but I never got a chance to upload photos from our impromptu barbecue. I love having people over. So, when JSM mentioned to me on Friday night that we were having 13 of his golf tournament buddies (and a couple wives) over on Saturday I was ecstatic....except I had less than 12 hours to prepare. But, I pulled it together (with help from JSM, of course) and we had a wonderful time! Some of our guests stayed until 2 pm. Sunday and we fired up the grill for another round. Best Memorial Day we've had in years!

Our back deck is open for the summer! But there are still lots of projects and gardening to be done.

The golf crew which includes on of JSM's college buddies. (I love that!)

In addition to burgers and hot dogs there were lots of other goodies. Green Beans with Vinaigrette courtesy of Martha Stewart

These baked beans received rave reviews. Thanks, Pioneer Woman!

Best Orzo Salad!

A nap on the lawn.

In addition to our golfing guests there was a sweet baby boy.....

.....a smiling husband

.....a beautiful dog

......a precious boy

.....and a hostess who wasn't afraid to host in her pajamas!

Day two included this watermelon feta salad with mint.

Later in the day we were graced with the presence of 3 wild peacocks. This is the second time we've lived in a place with wild birds. Coconut Grove also had it's own flock of these mysterious creatures....where do they come from?

The grill was rolled out a third time.

Our official Memorial Day meal were these Asian ribs JSM made....Ah-mazing!

Meanwhile, the garden is coming up beautifully!

Tiger Lilies


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